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Next Research Breakthrough for Marketers

What will be the new exciting breakthrough for marketers in 2016? I believe its brain research. Insights from the BRAIN Initiative can give marketers new perspective and ideas for creating more attention-grabbing and emotion-based messages that lead our prospects to give themselves permission to take action.

Why is brain research in the spotlight now? Because millions are dollars are being poured into brain research that exposes fresh perspectives on how we think, and how we respond to marketing messaging. In a moment, I’ll share three primary benefits for marketers that are expected as an outcome of continuing brain research.

This new research is recognized as the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative. It’s intended to massively deepen our understanding of the human mind. The goal is to uncover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. 

At first glance, brain research may seem to have nothing to do with marketing. But, look closer, and the implications are game changing. 

The links between how to understand deeper thinking and how the pathways in the mind motivate people to take action, are spelled out in my new book, Crack the Customer Mind Code, Seven Pathways from Head to Heart to YES

I’ve long had a curiosity about the mind. Here’s why: 

I have lived with a mysterious obsessive-compulsive disorder since the age of 6. Having consumed me since I was a child, it has driven a lifelong curiosity of how and why the mind is wired and works as it does.

The compulsive—and uncommon—disorder that has highly influenced my life comes with a rather unflattering name. Read more at CustomerMindCode.com