Purpose, Frequency + Free = Marketing Turnaround
Change is one thing that’s constant, and today we share with you how you can change the results of email marketing and social media results. Find out in this video from our blog at Target Marketing Magazine how we transformed an email and social media marketing campaign. Sales increased 20% using a strategy centered around purpose, frequency, and free content marketing.
The three elements of the strategy we talk about in today’s video include:
1. Giving your email and social media purpose
2. Inviting frequency when communicating with followers
3. Why giving away content that’s free and builds confidence
Successful direct marketing should have purpose every time you reach out to connect with your installed base of customers or followers.
A campaign that has purpose gives you permission for frequency.
We were fearful that frequency might result in email open and click-through declining. But the opposite happened. Followers looked forward to the next email or social media post. Open and click-through rates increased substantially and those levels were maintained throughout the campaign.
Social media engagement soared because frequent posts meant friends shared the video with their friends.
The third key concept is a change in thinking. Over the years, we’ve always known that an offer of “free with purchase,” would increase response. Today we challenge you to shift “free with purchase,” to simply “free.” You may have heard it referred to as “content marketing.” Giving content away invites a prospective customer to build trust in you.
Watch the video to learn more about how we increased sales by 20% for this organization with a strategy of purpose, frequency, and free.