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Email Marketing Best Practice

Email Marketing Best Practice The Wall Street Journal had an interesting perspective, for the world to see, on email marketing.

The premise of this article is that retailers have worn out their welcome with sending too much email. On the surface, I'd agree. But the problem isn't so much that any one retailer sends too much email. It's that when combined, in a day it adds up to a big number for any of us individually.

For example, I have an aggressive email spam filter that catches from 80 to 140 spam emails every day. Every day!! With most of this sent during business hours, that averages one about every 5 minutes. It's ubsurd. And I've given up on trying to keep up. So they go into the spam filter and while I scan the list daily, rarely do I give any the permission to be delivered.

Email marketers need to circle around and reconsider email marketing best practice. If you have permission, you should ask how often your recipient wants to hear from you. There are some consumers who do want the daily (or multiple times daily) email. Fine. Put them in a separate database.

Some think a couple of times a week is good. Fine. Then create a Tuesday and Friday promotional calendar. Or once a week on Wednesdays. Maybe even once a month. When the customer can make those decisions with your best practices, then the email might have a better chance of leaping from the spam filter to the read box.

And while at it, the landing page needs to be spot on to the topic. Videos are working more and more.

Here's the full article if you're interested:
